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The color blue in the 4-color personality test

For 15 years, The Bridge Personality has been the favorite 4-color personality test among companies and organizations. The beauty of it is: you don't need a license or special training to use it. Perfect for teams, there's also a convenient 4-color team report. Ideal for HR professionals and coaches, and you can order the 4-color test per participant or through your own account on our online assessment platform.

With the simple and understandable 4-color model (blue, red, yellow, green), The Bridge Personality provides insights into people's behavioral preferences. This test is a powerful tool for improving performance at the individual, team, and organizational levels, and clearly maps out your employees' strengths.

What makes someone 'blue'?

People who tend towards 'blue' are often calm thinkers. They want to understand everything well before they do something. They plan everything carefully and look at the facts. Blue types are known for their logical and impartial way of thinking and acting. They find it important to work independently and intelligently.

How does 'blue' react to stress?

When someone with a 'blue' personality style becomes stressed, they can become very critical and nitpicky. They then go into great detail and can sometimes come across as a bit cold. Stress often comes from poor preparation or having to make quick decisions without all the information.

Talking with 'blue'

Do you want to get along well with a 'blue' person? Then make sure you are always well prepared. Write things down so everything is clear. Give them time to go through everything calmly. Try not to be too emotional and stick to the topic.

What drives and what scares 'blue'?

'Blue' people love to understand things and are fond of learning. They like to make decisions based on facts. But they don't like big changes or having to do something suddenly without preparation.

Strengths and weaknesses of 'blue'

The strengths of 'blue' are accuracy and having an objective approach. But, they can sometimes focus too much on small details and then come across as distant. They find it difficult when others suddenly change their mood and can't always handle it well.

'Blue' in the workplace

It's smart to know how to deal with 'blue' people at work. They like clarity and structure. If you understand and use their way of thinking, they can be a great asset to your team. Make sure you support their way of working, especially when they are having a hard time. This is how you get the best out of your 'blue' colleagues!

TestGroup's tests & online assessments

TestGroup is the developer of the Bridge assessment instruments, which are high-quality, scientific tests that are applied all over the world. All Bridge instruments have been developed by TestGroup in collaboration with universities in the Netherlands and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality questionnaires, career tests, and intelligence tests. We advise local and international organizations on the application of online assessments.

This is what our satisfied customers say about us

“With TestGroup's online assessments, we can better support someone in their future role as a leader.”

Hans van den Brink, Radboudumc - Adviseur Leadership Development

Experience of Radboudumc with The Bridge Personality