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The color green in the 4-color personality test

For 15 years, The Bridge Personality has been the most utilized 4-color personality test by companies and organizations, without the need for a license or prior training. Excellently suited for evaluating team dynamics, including a detailed 4-color team report. Indispensable for HR and coaching, available for order per participant or via an assessment subscription on our online platform.

With the user-friendly 4-color model (blue, red, yellow, and green), it provides insights into behavioral preferences. This test is crucial for enhancing the performance of individuals, teams, and the entire organization, and for highlighting the competencies of your employees.

What makes someone 'green'?

People who prefer 'green' are often calm, caring, and supportive. They focus on harmony and stability in their environment. Green types are good at listening, empathy, and patience. They often avoid confrontations and strive for consensus and collaboration.

How does 'green' react to stress?

Under stress, people with a 'green' personality style may withdraw and become passive. They can have difficulty engaging in conflicts and prefer to avoid stressful situations. Stress often occurs when they are forced to act quickly or when there is a lack of harmony.

Talking with 'green'

Effective communication with a 'green' person requires a friendly, empathetic, and patient approach. It's important to take time and be genuinely interested. Avoid aggressive or dominant communication styles and be open to their opinions and feelings.

What drives 'green' and what to they fear?

Green people are driven by the need for stability, understanding, and acceptance. They want to feel connected to others and contribute to a positive, supportive work environment. Their fear is often related to conflict, abrupt changes, and feeling unappreciated or misunderstood.

Strengths and weaknesses of 'green'

The strength of 'green' lies in their ability to create a supportive and caring environment. They are reliable and consistent. However, their tendency to avoid confrontation can lead to a lack of assertiveness and difficulty in dealing with change.

'Green' in the workplace

In the workplace, 'green' colleagues are often the ones who ensure a good atmosphere and cohesion in the team. They are good at dealing with people and can help avoid or resolve conflicts. It is important to recognize their need for stability and harmony. By appreciating their natural tendency towards care and support, 'green' colleagues can play an essential role in the well-being and collaboration within a team.

TestGroup's tests & online assessments

TestGroup is the developer of the Bridge assessment instruments, which are high-quality, scientific tests that are applied all over the world. All Bridge instruments have been developed by TestGroup in collaboration with universities in the Netherlands and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality questionnaires, career tests, and intelligence tests. We advise local and international organizations on the application of online assessments.

This is what our satisfied customers say about us

“With TestGroup's online assessments, we can better support someone in their future role as a leader.”

Hans van den Brink, Radboudumc - Adviseur Leadership Development

Experience of Radboudumc with The Bridge Personality